Is It Worth Buying a Balance Board in 2023?

In the ever-evolving world of fitness, balance boards have continued to gain popularity among fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and those seeking to improve their overall health. These versatile tools come in various forms, such as wobble boards, standing desk balance boards, rocker boards, surf balance boards, and more. But is it worth investing in a balance board in 2023?

This article delves into balance boards, exploring their purpose, benefits, drawbacks, and exercises to help you make an informed decision. We’ll also discuss how balance boards can enhance your performance in various sports, including surfing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, skateboarding, and longboarding. Get ready to embark on a journey that might revolutionize your approach to fitness and overall well-being.

Benefits of Balance Boards

Did you try surfing last summer, struggling to stay upright on the board but still craving that exhilarating feeling? Or perhaps you went on a ski trip, got hooked, and now you’re searching for off-season alternatives? Balance boards might just be the answer to your quest for improvement in these sports and more. Not only do balance boards help you hone your skills in skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, and other activities, but they also offer a range of health advantages that can positively impact your overall well-being. In this section, we’ll dive into the various benefits of balance boards, exploring how they contribute to your fitness journey.

  • Improved balance and coordination: By challenging your body to maintain equilibrium on an unstable surface, balance boards stimulate your stabilizing muscles and force them to work together more efficiently. As a result, you develop enhanced balance and coordination, which can translate to better performance in various sports and everyday activities.
  • Enhanced core and lower body strength: The instability of a balance board requires you to engage your core and lower body muscles continuously. This constant engagement increases muscle tone and strength in the abs, glutes, hips, and legs. Stronger core and lower body muscles can help prevent injuries and improve athletic performance.
  • Better proprioception and body awareness: Proprioception refers to your body’s ability to sense its position, movement, and orientation in space. Balance board exercises help improve proprioceptive capabilities by challenging your body to adapt to an unstable surface. As your proprioception improves, you’ll enjoy better body awareness and control, which can benefit sports and daily life.
  • Rehabilitation from injuries: Balance boards are a standard tool in physical therapy and rehabilitation setting. They provide a low-impact, controlled environment for individuals recovering from injuries, such as sprains, strains, or surgery. Working on a balance board can help rebuild strength, stability, and range of motion, making it an invaluable tool in the recovery process.
Guy doing difficult tricks on balance board in skate park

Drawbacks of Balance Boards

While balance boards can be a fantastic addition to your fitness regimen, it’s essential to be aware of the potential drawbacks of their use. Being informed about these challenges can help you make the most of your balance board experience and avoid unnecessary setbacks.

  • The potential risk of injuries for beginners: Balance board exercises can be challenging, especially for those new to this type of training, just like stepping on a skateboard for the first time with the wrong foot, losing your balance, and shooting that board down the road. Balance boards tend to like shooting away for beginners.
  • Not suitable for all types of exercises: Balance boards are excellent for improving stability and balance, but they may not be ideal for every workout. Some activities, such as high-intensity cardio or heavy weightlifting, should not be used with balance boards as this can lead to serious injury.
  • May not be ideal for those with certain medical conditions: Individuals with specific medical conditions, such as severe balance disorders or vertigo, should consult a healthcare professional before using a balance board. It’s crucial to ensure that balance board exercises are safe and appropriate for your unique health needs.

Choosing the right Balance Boards

If you’re still reading, it means you’re ready to embark on your balance board journey. The next important thing is choosing the right balance board. A general rule of thumb is the taller you are the bigger the balance board you’ll need. If you’re averagely sized, most boards should fit you well, but you can read how to pick a balance board for a more detailed guide.

Balance Boards Applications in Fitness and Sports

Balance boards are incredibly versatile and can be integrated into various fitness routines and sports to enhance your performance and overall physical abilities. In this section, we’ll discuss the general benefits of balance boards for fitness and sports and explore how they can be applied to specific activities like surfing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, skateboarding, and longboarding.

Girl uses balance board for sports training

General Balance Board Benefits for Fitness and Sports

Integrating balance boards into your fitness routine can improve your stability, coordination, and core strength, improving overall athletic performance. For instance, runners may experience improved form and stride efficiency, while soccer players can benefit from enhanced agility and quicker reflexes on the field.

Balance Boards Benefits for Surfing

Balance boards can significantly benefit surfers by simulating the feel of riding waves on land. Training on a balance board helps surfers develop the necessary core strength, balance, and coordination to maintain control while on the water. As a result, surfers may find themselves catching more waves, executing smoother turns, and mastering advanced maneuvers such as aerials or cutbacks with greater ease.

Balance Boards Benefits for Snowboarding and Wakeboarding

For snowboarders and wakeboarders, balance boards provide an excellent off-season training tool. Board training can lead to better carving skills, smoother transitions between edges, and increased confidence in tackling jumps or rails.

Balance Boards for Skateboarding and Longboarding

Skateboarders and longboarders will benefit from balance boards with increased overall board control letting them master tricks like kickflips and ollies with ease. Longboarders may find that their ability to carve, pump, or slide improved, enabling them to tackle downhill runs with greater precision and control.

Balance Board Exercises

While investing in a balance board is the first step, unlocking all those benefits requires consistent practice and the incorporation of regular exercises into your weekly routine. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of simple balance board exercises, ranging from beginner to more advanced levels. With each activity, we’ll explain how to perform it and discuss its difficulty.

Standing on a balance board

Just standing on the board is where everybody starts. Position yourself on the balance board with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your knees slightly bent. Focus on maintaining your balance and keeping your core engaged. If it’s challenging to start, you can use a chair, wall, or a friend for assistance. As you get more comfortable, you can increase the difficulty by placing your feet closer together or adding a little movement by shifting your weight from side to side. This exercise lays the foundation for more advanced balance board workouts and helps improve overall stability and body awareness.

Squatting on the board

After successfully standing on the board for a few minutes without touching the ground, we can move to a more challenging exercise like a squat. Begin by slowly bending your knees and lowering your hips down and back as if you were sitting in a chair. Most likely, you’ll notice your body starting to tilt off balance. Stop lowering down motion and focus on maintaining balance while holding the squatting position briefly before returning to the starting position. With consistent practice, you should be able to bend lower while maintaining your balance. This exercise will strengthen your lower body and enhance balance and stability.

Plank with a Balance Board

Planking on a balance board has multiple variations. The easiest one is just placing your palms on the balance board, keeping your arms straight or slightly bent, and extending your legs straight back while balancing your toes. Keep your body straight from head to heels, engaging your core throughout the exercise. If this doesn’t pose a challenge, switch it up and place your elbows on the board instead of your palms.

We can do the same exercise but target different muscles by placing your palms on the ground, extending your legs, and finding a spot for your toes on a balance board. Hold this position for as long as you can maintain proper form. If you want additional challenges, place your elbows on the ground instead. These plank exercises will improve your core strength and stability.

Push-ups on a Balance Board

Like the Plank exercise, place your hands on the balance board, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Extend your legs straight back, balancing on your toes. Lower your body towards the board and bend your elbows roughly at a 90-degree angle. Push back up to the starting position, maintaining a straight line from head to heels. If you want to make it harder, lift one of the legs off the ground. This exercise mainly targets your upper body and core.

Pushup on Balance board with one leg off the ground

Single-leg Stance

If you plan on doing tricks or advanced exercises on a balance board, you’ll need to get comfortable with balancing on the board standing on one leg. Begin by standing on the board with both feet close to the middle. Then either move both legs to the center of a board just above the roller or shift your weight to your preferred size and place most of your weight on one leg once the roller is under that leg. Hold this position for as long as you can. After some training, you can lift off the second leg from the board and balance on one leg.


Balance boards offer an excellent opportunity to improve your overall fitness, balance, and stability while enhancing your performance in various sports, such as surfing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, skateboarding, and longboarding. Investing in a balance board and incorporating the exercises mentioned above into your regular workout routine can unlock numerous health benefits and elevate your athletic skills. Always start with the basic balance exercise and gradually progress to more advanced exercises as you become comfortable and confident on the board, prioritize safety, and listen to your body to prevent potential injuries.

In conclusion, is it worth buying a balance board in 2023? The answer is a resounding yes. A balance board is a versatile, practical, and fun addition to your fitness routine, helping thousands of people improve their balance, stability, and overall athletic performance. So why wait? Start reaping the benefits of balance board training today and elevate your fitness journey to new heights.

Best Balance Boards uses various sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles.
  1. Valle MS, Casabona A, Cavallaro C, Castorina G, Cioni M. Learning Upright Standing on a Multiaxial Balance Board PLoS One. 2015; 10(11): e0142423.
  2. Lindberg S. Not Just for Rehab: Using Balance Boards to Enhance Exercise
  3. Söderman K, Werner S, Pietilä T, Engström B, Alfredson H. Balance board training: prevention of traumatic injuries of the lower extremities in female soccer players? Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy volume 8, pages356–363 (2000)



Hey friend! I just wanted to let you know that I'm really passionate about balance boards and balancing as activity in general. It's so much fun and comes with many benefits, there for I'm eager to help others try it out. Whether you're looking to improve your balance and coordination, or just want to have a good time by trying something new, balance boards are a great option. I hope you'll join me by giving this activity a try!

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